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English Literature 1: 16th and 17th Cent.

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1. Introduction to the course and the problematics of Renaissance literature.

2. Elizabethan poetry: introduction

3. The sonnet I: evolution of form "Miniature poems" (Xerox packet or online) and/or read introduction to Hilsky's translation of Shakespeare's Sonnets;

4. The sonnet II: conventions (themes, imagery, sonnet sequence)

5. The sonnet III: conceit

6. Shakespeare's sonnets

7. Poetry of John Donne

8.Introduction to drama. The Merchant of Venice

9.The Merchant of Venice (cont.)

10. The Merchant of Venice (cont.)

11. The Merchant of Venice (cont.)

12. The Comedy of humours: Volpone

13. Test



Renaissance literature. The emphasis is put on the growth of the English drama and on the theatre of Shakespeare. Drama before and after Shakespeare is discussed, including Restoration drama and English theatre in the 18th century.



To introduce students to the poetry and drama of William Shakespeare whose work is located within the context of the development of English poetry (especially the sonnet form) and drama (focusing either on a comparison between the Shakespearian romantic comedy and Ben Jonson's comedy of humours, or the development of various concepts of tragedy).


- selections from Elizabethan poetry

- William Shakespeare, The Sonnets

- one play by William Shakespeare

- Ben Jonson, Volpone

- a selection of literary criticism - handouts for presentations


Attendance, active participation in seminar work, one presentation and satisfactory written work: an abstract of a literary critical work, three brief essays, two tests.