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American Literature 3

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1 Introduction 2 A Streetcar Named Desire 3 Invisible Man, first third + Baker commentary 4 Invisible Man, middle third 5 Invisible Man, last third 6 Sylvia Plath & Rose criticism 7 Elizabeth Bishop + Allan Ginsberg selections in the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Vol. 2 8 Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man is Hard To Find" (Norton), "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" (Norton) + Barthes 9 Beloved + criticism of the novel by Woidat 10 Beloved 11 The Crying of Lot 49 + Grant 12 The Crying of Lot 49 + Grant 13 Extracts from Against the Day + Conclusions



From the 1920s (Quinn, Ulmanová, Roraback 8 weeks)

The following themes are discussed: Lost Generation, Southern Literature, War Novel, Beat Generation, American Jewish Literature, Afro-American Literature, Contemporary American Poetry, Contemporary American Drama, Twentieth-Century American Fiction.



The course is focused on important texts of 20th century American literature. While preference will be given to poems and short prose pieces all students will be expected to read at least two novels to allow the class to discuss them as a whole.


F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury

The Norton Anthology of American Literature


Record of attendance will be kept. To receive their credits all students will be obliged to make oral presentations. Graded essays of 2,000-3,000 words (písemná práce) will be evaluated separately.