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Britské dějiny

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* 1.

The Origins :Pre-History to the Norman Conquest Part 1: The Celts. The Romans. Saxon Invasion .Government and Society.

* 2.

Origins: Pre-History to the Norman Conquest Part 2: Christianity Church and State, Vikings. Internal Kingdoms

* 3.

The Norman Dynasties and the Plantagenets( part 1):

Feudalism, Dynasty, Magna Carta

* 4.

The Norman Dynasties to the Plantagenets (part 2)

Church and State, Parliament and Justice, Subduing the Celts

* 5.

The Late Middle Ages: War with Scotland and France, The Age of Chivalry, The Century of Plague, Heresy and Orthodoxy, Crisis of Kingship, Wars of the Roses

* 6.

The Tudors: Birth of the Nation State, The Reformation, Foreign Policy, Relations within Britain, Elizabeth Ist, Mary Queen of Scots and the Scottish Reformation and James I/VI

* 7.

Parliament versus Crown, The Stuarts, Cromwell and the Republic, The Civil War

* 8.

Restoration , Exile and The Glorious Revolution,

* 9.

The Hannoverians, Union and Scottish Dissent: Politics and Finance, Revolutions: American and French

* 10.

Romanticism and Revolution, Imperial Expansion

* 11.

The Napoleonic War, Monarchy, Empire and Victoria, Industrialism and Growth

* 12.

Ist world war, Labour Party, Woman's rights, Ireland, Depression, The 20th Century in Britain. The Second World War, The Welfare State, Loss of Empire, Modern Issues: Internal Colonialism-Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. New Politics,the special relationship between Britain and the USA. The future for the UK.


Série přednášek začíná převzetím nadvlády nad jižní Británií císařem Claudiem a končí převzetím moci nad Labour Party Tony Blairem. Kurs postupuje chronologicky a soustřeďuje se na řadu témat, přičemž dává do vztahu politický a konstitucionální vývoj se základními změnami v kultuře a životním stylu.