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British Children's Literature

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1. A History of Children's Literature I

2. A history of Children's Literature II

3. Classic Texts of Children's Literature

4. Fairy Tales, Fables and Theories.

5. J.K.Rowling-Harry Potter and his contemporaries

6. Fantasy,Realism and Historical writing I

7. Fantasy, Realism and Historical writing II

8. Comics, picture books and new variants

9. Adventures

10. Series Fiction

11. Children's Verse and Nursery Rhymes

12. New writing Texts will be provided as and when required.


This course is designed to provide students with a general introduction to the canonical works of British Children?s Literature and to the major authors working in the genre. A general history of the development of the children?s books will be complemented by consideration of some theoretical perspectives upon same.

Students will be asked to consider texts from both historical sources and contemporary authors.