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BA Diploma Seminar

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Tematické okruhy: 1.-2. Propedeutika k psaní bakalářské práce, rozvržení témat. 3.- 4.

Prezentace témat bakalářských prací formou referátu. Následný komentář. 5.- 6.

Sestavení bibliografie, vytvoření konečné verze členění práce a zpracovávání tématu. 7.-13. Prezentace vybraných problémů, týkajících se zvoleného tématu.


PLEASE NOTE: Students who write their BA thesis at DALC obtain their credit based on regular consultations with their thesis supervisor.

The seminar will focus generally on the metodology of writing a more extensive piece of academic work as well as on writing the Bc thesis. The students are required to be able to provide a critical evaluation of literature and sources both during the preliminary phase of collecting the material and when formulating the theoretical chapter of the thesis. The chapters of the thesis will be presented at the seminar, discussed and evaluated by the students as a means of preparation for the defence of the thesis. The literature and individual topics will be specified on the basis of the Bc theses dealt with.