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Introduction to British Children's Literature

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1. 16 Feb- Introduction: To instruct or delight? The questions of Children’s Literature

2. 23 Feb-History of the genre I-Early beginnings from morals and manners to reason and romanticism

3. 2 Mar-History of the genre II- The First Golden Age of Children’s Literature

4. 9 Mar-History of the genre III-The Second Golden Age of Children’s Literature

5. 16 Mar- The child protagonist -orphans and child heroes (Blake, Dickens, Bronte)

6. 23 Mar-Fantasy and Fairy Tales I

7. 30 Mar-Poetry-Logic, Limericks and Nonsense Verse

8. 6 Apr- Picture books, Animal and Toy Stories

9. 13 Apr- Fantasy and Fairy Tales II-Tolkien and after

10. 20Apr-Pottermania and the marketing of myth.

11. 27Apr-The YA novel- the paradoxes of modern children’s storytelling

12. 4 May- History of the genre IV-Recent texts and developments.

13.11May-Final Class Session. Submission of Final Essays- course admin.

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This class serves as an introduction to British Children’s Literature and covers chronological development, major themes, authors and their texts and issues in the genre.Assessment is obtained from a combination of attendance(in person or distanced, dependent on Sanitary regulations during the semester and as dictated by FFUK),participation and assigned work( presentations and final essay( details tba-deadline is 11.05.2021 )).All key texts are available from UALK/FFUK libraries and/or online sources.


Class Times: Tuesdays 1050-1230

Office Hours: Mondays 1100-1200 or by appointment (both Zoom at present)

Contact details: Email: /