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Class at Faculty of Arts |


Week 1: Feedback on the students evaluation.

Revision of WS. History and future (methods) of ELT;

- the latest development in ELT/FLT with regard to The Council of Europe,

- The European Union;

Summary of methods I. The Grammar-translation + the Communicative methods.

Summary of methods II. Alternative methods.

Teaching culture II. Some more basic concepts.

Week 2: Teaching materials I. General.

Teaching materials II. Theory and practice of the textbook.

Writing reviews.

Week 3: Classification of L elements and their role in ELT; their links to the particular teaching methods as presented in WS and revised in week 1.

Teaching pronunciation.

(Incorp. always: presentation, practice, difficulties - contrastively - ; testing + relevant teaching materials.)

Week 4: Teaching grammar; grammatical minimum.

Week 5: Teaching vocabulary; lexical minimum.

Week 6: Teaching spelling; dictation.

Teacher + his/her different roles in different methods.

Teacher preparation - training - development; reflective teaching.

Preparation for the teaching practice.)

Week 7: Classification of L skills and their role in ELT; relationship between L skills and

L elements. Integrated skills. Teaching listening.

Week 8 : Teaching speaking and L. functions.

Week 9: Teaching reading; graded readers.

Week 10: Teaching writing.

Week 11: Teaching translation and interpreting.

Week 12: Testing and examining; marking; types of tests and their classification; dealing with errors ; different approaches to error of different teaching methods

Week 13: Teaching materials III - IV

- ICT; visual aids, audial and audiovisual.

Week 14: Teaching literature II.



There are more than 2 million people in the Czech Republic learning English in this school year (statistics of the Ministry of


There are thousands of English textbooks (is there an ideal one?); you will see, consider and discuss the pros and cons of the main titles available nowadays not only in this country.

There are hundreds of teaching techniques (some of them are really efficient, motivating and trustworthy but some may even be harmful.

There are dozens of methods. Some of them offer an easy, short and effortless way in this valley of tears to the promised land of fluency and spontaneous communication.

Countless advertisements for numerous language schools attract potential students through all sorts of ´´pedagogical allurements´´ - e.g. made-to-measure courses, individusl approach, latest and up-to-date technologies and methods; an

American language school in Prague invites its students to ?learn English once and for ever? via native speakers etc.etc.

-which may lead us ? non-nativespeakers and teachers to be confused . The question is: Is there, in this Babel of views and approaches, a place/chance for me?

In our seminar we will try to find a positive and encouraging answer through both theoretical and practical teaching (e.g. learning that our knowledge of the mother tongue of our pupils is our great advantage). In these three TEFL courses you will learn the basic principles of successful English teaching and other work in this field including evaluating textbooks, reviewing, counselling etc.

Objectives: practical aspects of ELT; functional-communicative conception of TEFL.

Modes of teaching skills and language forms.

Preparation for the teaching practice.

ELT in the New Europe.