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World Englishes - English as a lingua franca

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1.      Global Language - why English? Models of spread of English; Defining key terminology. Terminological muddle (WE, WEs, EIL, EGL, ELF, Euro English, etc.); from the 1st to the 4th diaspora

2.      Standard English. What English? Whose English? The question of the ownership of English; The English Today Debate.

3.      ‘Native’ / NESTs or ‘non-native’ teachers / non-NESTs? Exonormative vs. endonormative model

4.      Linguistic, cultural and pedagogical imperialism

5.      Culturism, Otherness, Cultural continuity / Position 2, Intercultural competence / the fifth skill; Literary creativity in World Englishes

6.      Simplified Englishes; ELF misconceptions; Conceptualizing ELF, Lingua Franca(s)

7.      ELF & phonology, LFC; attitudes to accents; correctness; intelligibility; Czenglish

8.      ELF & morphology, syntax, lexis, pragmatics; Corpus-based ELF research

9.      ELF & ‘ mistakes’; Nativespeakerism, Interlanguage, Learner English, Fossilization

10.  ELF & ELT (Paradigm shift; New methods or no methods?; global textbooks; new standard(s); new goals; polymodel approach; innovative teacher training and more)



Jenkins, Jennifer (2009) World Englishes. A resource book for students, New York: Routledge.


Holliday, Adrian (2005) The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language, Oxford: OUP.

Jenkins, Jennifer (2000) The Phonology of English as an International Language, Oxford: OUP.

Jenkins, Jennifer (2007) English as a Lingua Franca: Attitude and Identity, Oxford: OUP.

Kachru, Braj B., Yamuna Kachru and Cecil L. Nelson (eds.) (2006) The Handbook of World Englishes, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Kirkpatrick, Andy (2007) World Englishes. Implications for International Communication and English Language Teaching, Cambridge: CUP.

Mauranen, Anna and Elina Ranta (eds.) (2009) English as a Lingua Franca. Studies and Findings, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars


Mesthrie, Rajend and Rakesh M. Bhatt (2008) World Englishes. The Study of New Linguistic Varieties, Cambridge: CUP.

McKay, Sandra Lee (2002) Teaching English as an International Language, Oxford: OUP.

Rudby, Rani and Mario Saraceni (eds.) (2006) English in the World, London: Continuum.
