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Didaktika AJ I

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Seminar 1 - On being a teacherPractical info - syllabus introduction, system of work, requirementsIntroducing basic concepts, terms and abbreviations (L1, L2, L3; ESL x EFL; ELF; SLA, FLA, L1A, L2A; SLTE; EFL, TEFL, TESOL; applied linguistics)The roles of the teacherTeacher languageThe concepts of the good language teacher, effective teacher, expert teacher, confident teacherLiterature for language teachers - teacher training manualsTeaching and research - academic resources, journals

Seminar 2 - Introducing classroom observationsClassroom observations - types and purposesWays of recording and analysing observationsObservations and research, classroom researchIntroducing micro teachingPractical: observing and analysing a part of a video recording of an English lesson

Seminar 3 - On being a language learnerLearner rolesLearner variables - cognitive, affective, personalityAge in language learningTeaching young and older teenagers (topics, attitude, motivation, discipline, cooperation)Teaching adults

Seminar 4 - On language learning and acquisitionEmpiricism and mentalismTheories of learning and their impact on language learning theories and classroom practice(behaviorist, cognitivist, constructivist, social cognitivist, social constructivist)Overview of essential SLA theories and their implications on language teachingThe learning process - declarative & procedural knowledge, automatization, restructuring, instructionLearner trainingPractice: introducing basic language classroom techniques, classroom language

Seminars 5 & 6- Teaching pronunciationTeaching segmental and suprasegmental phonetics - techniques and principles, activitiesThe intelligibility principleThe link between production and perception Underhill’s muscular memory techniques (The Sound Foundations)Using the IPALiterature on and for teaching pronunciationPronunciation and the Common European Framework of Reference

Seminar 7 - The content of language learning, lesson plans"What is there to learn?" - language forms, skills, functionsCompetences - sociolinguistic, systemic and strategicNeeds analysisTypes of syllabiLesson plans - types, purposes, examples, mistakes, overplanning, adapting, the "Dogme" approach, planning ahead - planning the course, continuityManaging multiple classes, keeping organized, keeping on top of the workload, aims and objectives

Seminar 8 - Classroom managementClassrooms, schools, companies & lessonsUsing space/seating/classroom managementActive classroom techniquesInteraction - lockstep, pairwork, groupworkLesson - types of lesson, stages of the lesson, ways of varying the lesson

Seminar 9 - Vocabulary in language teachingOverview of research on vocabulary acquisition, learning and teachingLexical minimumTechniques for teaching, practising and recyclingLearning strategies for vocabularyLearner dictionariesEnglish vocabulary profileLexical competence in the Common European Framework of Reference

Seminar 10 - From the history of LT & ELTApproach, method and techniqueDirect and indirect methodsGrammar-translation method, Direct method, Audio-lingual methodHumanistic approachesCommunicative language teaching and its offshootsTask-based learning and teaching

Seminars 11 & 12 - Tools: textbooksTextbooks as methodologyTypology of materialsELT publishersTeaching with textbooks Textbook selection and adaptationMaterials developmentReviewing textbooksTextbook research

Seminar 13 - Tools: technologyBlackboardCALLInteractive whiteboardsInternet ApplicationsTools for teachersCorpora in language teaching


Základní kurz Didaktika AJ 1

Tento aplikovaně lingvistický kurz si klade za cíl poskytnout jak teoretickou bázi pro vyučování cizích jazyků, tak platformu pro procvičování a rozvoj konkrétních praktických technik a dovedností, které charakterizují učitelskou profesi v oboru vyučování angličtiny jako cizího jazyka. Studenti se v seminářích seznamují s klíčovými, současným výzkumem podloženými koncepty například z oborů jazykové akvizice, lingvistiky, psycholingvistiky, pedagogiky, psychologie a vzdělávání učitelů jazyků. Tyto poznatky vytvářejí bázi pro získávání specifických technik využitelných při výuce cizích jazyků, které studenti procvičují, observují, hodnotí a kriticky vyhodnocují například prostřednictvím mikrovyučování či video observací.

Studijní programy