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Observations in ELT

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Předběžný sylabus kurzu je nahraný v sekci Soubory.


The aim of the seminar is to connect theoretical and practical preparation of future English teachers through pedagogical observations at selected secondary schools and language schools, and through follow-up analyses and discussions about key aspects of teaching practice such as lesson planning, evaluation, material selection and adaptation, cooperation with parents, beginner teachers etc.

The core of the seminar comprises of observations of secondary-school teachers and their follow-up analysis in the presence of the teacher. The students will be acquainted with various observation techniques, will be able to apply them in practice, and choose appropriate techniques for different purposes. They will also learn to give feedback to the teacher through observation protocols and class discussions. They will further familiarize themselves with possible application of observation skills for the purposes of pedagogical, didactic, and action research.

The course is designed as a training for a compulsory pedagogical practicum (a part of the pedagogical minimum) and develops reflexive approaches towards the teaching profession.

In case of distance teaching, the seminar will take a form of regular online observations, their analyses, and discussions.

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