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Writing in ELT

Class at Faculty of Arts |





 Introduction 1

Experiences and differences in writing

●       Why writing?

●       L1 writing

●       L1 writing instruction

●       Differences in English (L2) writing

●       L2 writing instruction

●       Challenges in EFL writing

Elements of English writing 2

Analysis of structure

●       Structure of English writing

●       Paragraphing

●       Argumentation 3

Writing for an audience

●       Reader-orientation

●       Linguistic elements

Theories of composition 4

The writing process (Part one)

●       Origins

●       Advantages for English writing

●       Brainstorming 5

The writing process (Part two)

●       Outlining

●       Planning structure

●       Planning language 6

The writing process (Part three)

●       Drafting

●       The revision cycle

●       Timing 7

Genre and genre-based approaches

●       Models and awareness

●       Scaffolding

●       Role of the teacher 8

Applications of genre-pedagogy

●       Maturita and Cambridge genres

●       EAP writing

Feedback on Writing 9

Structural feedback

●       Core areas of focus

●       Micro-structure

●       Macro-structure 10

Language-related feedback

●       Core areas of focus

●       Grammar

●       Syntax

●       Vocabulary and word choice

Practical applications 11

Role of writing

●       Learning to write vs. writing to learn

●       Individual differences

●       Task-based language teaching 12

Assigning writing

●       Assigning writing tasks

●       Managing written assignments

●       Setting expectations

●       Differences in age/skill levels 13

Evaluating writing

●       Positive and negative feedback

●       Balancing priorities

●       Giving marks


The aim of the course is to acquaint future teachers of English with the core elements of English language writing and composition theory, and to prepare them to confront the challenges facing foreign language learners in the English language classroom. As learning outcomes, students will be able to analyze English writing, have a mastery of the key pedagogical theories of English writing, and apply these to classroom activity as English language teachers.

The course will bring together topical research and practical strategies to equip future teachers with both the foundations and tools to carry out writing effectively in the foreign language classroom. After considering the challenges facing foreign language learners of English, the course will proceed with attention to crucial characteristics of English writing and the dominant pedagogies of process writing and genre-based writing instruction. The final weeks will focus on giving feedback and the effective inclusion of writing in the foreign language classroom. The course is designed as preparation for all future teachers of English language or those interested in writing research and composition theory.

Study programmes