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Language network analysis

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |




Required Readings  1

Introduction: What is a network?   2

Network properties

Barabási, 2016: chapter 1

Castro & Siew, 2020 3

Lexical networks: Phonological word forms

Vitevitch et al., 2014

Vitevitch & Sommers, 2003 4

Constructing phonological networks

Gephi, R 5

Lexical networks: Semantics

De Deyne et al., 2017

Kang et al., 2017

Mak & Twitchell, 2020 6

Constructing semantic networks

Stella et al., 2017 7

Statistical analysis of network data (regression, mixed effects models)

Brown, 2021 8

Language change from the network perspective

Luef, Resnik, & Gráf, forthcoming

Milroy, 2004

Milroy & Milroy, 1985 9

Information propagation in social networks: Spreading gossip and rumors 

Borgatti & Halgin, 2011

Yucel et al., 2020 10

Communication accommodation in social networks

Noble & Fernandez, 2015

Rienties et al, 2013 11

Lexical network growth

Hills et al., 2009

Luef, 2022

Siew & Vitevitch, 2020 12

Student presentations 13

Student presentations


In recent years, interest in modeling and analyzing psychological phenomena, such as language and lexical memory, with the tools of network science has been on the rise and a considerable body of research in this area has been accumulated. Network science was developed to measure and represent statistical dependencies between connected entities and provides a powerful computational approach to quantify dyadic relationships. A network is made up of nodes, which represent the basic unit of the system and links, or edges, which signify the relations between them. Linguistic networks can be based on various concepts, for instance phonological word forms, semantics, or social partners involved in communication. This class examines the relevance of network science for the study of language on various levels of analysis. We will review efforts to construct different types of language networks, characterize properties of those networks, and apply statistical analyses to elucidate the structure and complex relationships of entities within the networks.

In the summer semester 2024 this course will be taught online using the platform Teams. Please make sure that you have a university Teams account to participate. Students can either attend the course online from room P111 - which will be reserved during course time - or join from home.