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Vocabulary in ELT

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Seminar 11.1 Key terms of the trade1.2 Goals of vocabulary learning1.3 Frequency and VL, core vocabulary

Seminar 22.1. Online, computer and mobile apps in learning and teaching2.2. Dictionaries in learning (paper and online)

Seminar 33.1 Measuring vocabulary knowledge3.2 Knowing a word

Seminar 44.1 Vocabulary and the native speaker– development of vocabulary– vocabulary improvement books4.2 Vocabulary and language proficiency

Seminar 55.1 Vocabulary acquisition 5.2 Mental lexicon

Seminar 66.1 Vocabulary learning strategies– memory strategies– context, cards, word parts, dictionaries and other tools– incidental learning, intentional learning6.2 Resources for learning

Seminar 77.1 VL principles7.2 Designing a vocabulary strand of a language course7.3 Principled approach to vocabulary teaching

Seminar 88.1 Vocabulary and the four skills 8.2 Vocabulary in reading and listening8.3 Vocabulary in speaking and writing

Seminar 99.1 Testing vocabulary9.2 Assessing test design

Seminar 1010.1 ESP, EAP, specialist vocabulary, technical vocabulary10.2 Making word lists from one's own corpus

Seminar 1111.1 Vocabulary and grammar connection, lexico-grammar11.2 Teaching lexically11.3 Lexical approach11.4 Multi-word lexical units in language learning and teaching

Seminar 12Students present their own tests

Seminar 13Zpětná vazba k testům, shrnutí kurzu, další výzkum


The course provides a continuation to the topic of teaching English vocabulary in the EFL context which was introduced in the course Teaching English as a foreign language. The course recognizes the complexity of the topic of vocabulary learning and teaching and aims to provide deeper understaning of the relevant processes so that teachers can make better informed decisions when designing and teaching the vocabulary component of their language courses. At the same time, the course aims it combine these theoretical aspects with hands-on practical activites which will include lexical analyses, designing teaching activities, practical teaching of advanced language vocabulary (microteaching), designing vocabulary tests, designing teaching procedures and using relevant technology for teaching, learning and testing vocabulary.

Each seminar is composed of three modules.

Module 1:Theoretical, analytical

The aim is to introduce and discuss the theoretical concepts related to the topic(s) of the seminar, and apply these in analysis. Lectures, presentations, discussion and problem-based sessions are the key modes of instruction here.

Module 2: Applied

The aim is to raise awareness of how the theoretical concepts relate to language learning and teaching and to master key vocabulary teaching teachniques. Presentations and analyses of textbook materials and various vocabulary activities are the key modes of instruction here.

Module 3: Practical teaching / microteaching

The aim is to provide opportunities for practising teaching and receiving feedback as well as for learning advanced vocabulary. The key mode of instruction here is microteaching. The students will have to select vocabulary, teach it and, finally, construct a test. Each participant to the course will have to regularly learn this new vocabulary.

The course is taught in English.

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