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Active Citizenship and Adult Education in a Multicultural Society (Erasmus+)

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Erasmus+ course - eligible for incoming students

Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management (Katedra andragogiky a personálního řízení)

Celetná 20, 3rd floor, room Nr. 304

PhDr. Martin Kopecký, Ph.D. ( 2015/2016, Winter semester

Exam: 6 ECTS


The lectures and seminars will be held on 16. 10., 30. 10., 13. 11., 27. 11., 11. 12., 8. 1.

Friday 10:00-11:35

General description:

The course examines the problems of a globalizing society and focuses on the sphere of adult education and learning. Nonformal and informal ways of learning connected with participation in activities of civil society and social movements are the main subject of this course. The role of the state and international organizations (like the EU) is analysed too. The course covers debates over the current social changes and intercultural dialogue. Further information will be provided during the first meeting.

Structure: 1/ Citizenship

Citizenship and social identity, active citizenship, active citizenship as a goal for lifelong learning, EU, OECD, UNESCO and their views on adult education / lifelong learning and active citizenship, active citizenship and diversity, learning of inrecultural dialogue; 2/ Civil society

The concept of civil society, different views on it, a decline (or reconstruction) of civil society today; 3/ Community

The changing concept of community, new types of communities, social capital, community education; 4/ Social movements

Social movements in the process of globalization, alterglobalization movements; present social movements 5/ Cosmopolitan citizenship

Cosmopolitanism in the era of globalization - limits and potentials of global civil society, European citizenship and a European identity; 6/ Czech case

Czech experience with citizenship education and learning of the adults, Czech civil society and its problems.

Readings list:

Bron, M., Guimarães, P., De Castro, R. V. (eds.). (2009). The State, Civil Society and the Citizen. Exploring Relationships in the Field of Adult Education in Europe. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009.

Castells, M. (2012). Networks of Outrage and Hope. Social Movements in the Internet Age. Cambridge: Polity.

Castells, M. (1997). The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. II: The Power of Identity. Cambridge: Blackwell.

Eder, K., Giesen B. (eds.). (2001). European Citizenship. Between National Legacies and Postnational

Project. Oxford University Press.

English, L. M., Mayo, P. (2012). Learning with Adults. A Critical Pedagogical Introduction. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Jarvis, P. (2007). Globalisation. Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society. London and New York: Routledge.

Kuhn, M. (ed.). (2007). Who is the European? - A New Global Player? New York: Peter Lang.

Usher, R., Bryant, I., Johnston, R. (1997). Adult Education and the Postmodern Challenge. Learning Beyond Limits. London: Routledge.

Illeris, K. (2008). How We Learn: Learning and Non-learning in School and Beyond. London: Routledge.

Melucci, A. (1996). The Playing Self: Person and Meaning in the Planetary Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vandenabeele, J., Reyskens, P., Wildemeersch, D. (2011). Diverse views on citizenship, community and participation: Exploring the role of adult education research and practice. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults. 2:2, 193-298.

Vandenabeele, J., Vanassche, E., Wildemeersch, D. (2011). Stories of/on citizenship education: a case of participatory planning. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 30:2, 171-185.

Welton, M. (2005). Designing the Just Learning Society. A Critical Inquiry. Leicester: NIACE.

Wildemeersch, D., Finger, M., Jansen, T. (2000). Adult Education and Social Responsibility. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Wildemeersch, D., Stroobants, V., Bron, M. (eds.). (2005). Active Citizenship and Multiple Identities in Europe. A Learning Outlook. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Furher sources:

Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic and Human Rights Education. 2010

Other sources will be recommended during the lectures.


Grading will be based on active participation in the lectures and seminars (reading and discussions over short texts) and also on writing of a short (5 pages at least) paper - a summary and critique of one of a chosen article (paper) that will be distributed during the course. The exam has a form of a discussion over this paper. Submission of the paper is supposed 10 days before the term of the exam.