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Language-learning theory and practice for ELT

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Syllabus for Language-learning theories and practice for teachers (PhDr. Tomáš Gráf, Ph.D.)

Seminar 1Topic: Learning and learning theoriesKey questions: How do we learn? And how can we learning be researched? Is language learning the same as or different from any other learning?Are general learning theories in any way applicable to language learning? And what can language teachers learn from this?Key themes: learning processes, learning theories (behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism), general learning theories and their applicability to explaining language learning, introduction to research methods

Seminar 2Topic: L1A - describing L1AKey questions: Do children learn their L1 in the same way? Are there developmental stages? How can L1A be studied?Key themes: stages of L1A, ways of studying L1A, basic types of research in applied linguistics

Seminar 3Topic: L1A - explaining/understanding L1AKey questions: Who can learn an L1? What is the starting position?Is L1A the same as L2A? What are the key theories of L1A? Are they applicable to L2A? When is it best to start learning L2? Is there a critical age for L1A and for L2A?Key themes: understanding and explaining L1A, comparing L1A and L2A; theories of L1A, critical age, sensitive period, implications of starting language learning at an early age

Seminar 4Topic: BilingualismKey questions: Who is a bilingual? Do bilinguals learn both languages the same way? Can the knowledge of the two L1s in simultaneous bilingual be compared? What conditions are key to success for successful L1A in both L1s? Can what we know about L1A inform they way we understand L2A? And does it have any classroom implications?Key themes: types of bilingualism, conditions for the development of bilingualism, bilinguasm and SLA

Seminar 5

Topic: Different scenarios for learning L2Key questions: What factors affect L2A? Which learner variables are there? How can they be researched? How important are they? Should teachers take into account learner variables? Which and how?Key themes: learner variables, researching learner variables, comparing learners, learner variables in the light of ELT classrooms

Seminar 6Topic: Affective learner variablesKey questions: What is motivation in language learning? Does personality play a role? Why do some speakers find it easier to communicate in a language they are learning? Are some learners better than others? Is it beacuse of their linguistic aptitude? Or are they simply very efficient learners?Key themes: motivation in SLA, personality affective variables, willingness to communicate, anxiety, good language learners, learning strategies, language aptitude

Seminar 7Topic: Learner language and proficiencyKey questions: Does the development of learner language follow a fixed order? Is learner language the same as interlanguage? What are the features of interlanguage? How can learner language be studied? What implications can be made for language teaching? How can language proficiency be described and defined? What is the maximum level of attainment in L2?Key themes: learner language, interlanguge and its features, proficiency, maximum attainment

Seminar 8Topic: Cognition, brain & memoryKey questions: How does the brain process language? And how does memory in language learning work? How is knowledge stored? How does automaticity work? What tyes of memory are there? What role do attention and awareness play? What does all this tell us about language teaching?Key themes: types of memory, attention, awareness, proceduralization, automaticity

Seminar 9Topic: SLA theoriesKey questions: What are the key theories of SLA? What are the key concepts of SLA theories?Key themes: SLA theories, principle components of SLA theories

Seminar 10Topic: SLA and the language classroomKey questions: How does our knowledge of SLA theories affect the language classroom? What are the links between SLA and language teaching?Key themes: SLA and language pedagogy

Seminar 11Topic: SLA and the language classroom – presenting your projects


The course provides an overview of language acquisition and language learning with emphasis on the applicability of the course contents in teaching English. The couse is thus an introduction to ELT and applied linguistics.

The seminar will be taught in English. It is intended primarily for third-year BA students of the English and American Studies programme.

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