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Czech for advanced beginners

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Course book: Česky krok za krokem 1 by Lída Holá, selected topics from units 6-11.  


(the past tense, adverbs expressing time)  

HOUSING; apartment/flat, house and furniture

(verbs + direct object, to know in Czech, indefinite and negative pronouns, negation, prepositions ; the accusative)

LEISURE TIME; sports, hobbies

(the future tense, to go in Czech, prepositions do, na, k)  

THE HUMAN BODY; describing people, at the doctor‘s

(nominative and accusative pl.,  accusative object-centered constructions, pronouns in accusative)  


(prepositions + genitive singular)      


This course is a FOLLOW-UP after taking the intensive introductory Czech course at UJOP or the Basic Curriculum or Survival Skills courses at our faculty.

By the end of the course, students should reach level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

It is open to students from the FACULTY OF ARTS only due to limited capacity.