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Advanced Practical Czech for Foreigners V (Language of Old and 19th century Czech Literature)

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Language and communication - historical development

Stylistic varieties of texts - style of Czech fiction

Vocabulary as a mirror of national, social, political, artistic and personal life

Specific role of Czech language in the life of Czech society and literature

Language and national identity

Reading and discussion of sample texts, selection from:

Hospodine, pomiluj ny (10th c.)

Kosmas: Kronika česká (Chronica Boemorum, 12th c.)

Svatý Václave (12th-13th c.)

Dalimilova kronika: Kníže Oldřich a Božena (14th c.)

Podkoní a žák (14th c.)

Jan Hus (1369-1415): Dopisy

Václav Hájek z Libočan: Kronika česká (1541)

Bible kralická (1579-1593)

Jan Ámos Komenský (1592-1670) - Labyrint světa a Ráj srdce 19th century literature: K. H. Mácha, J. K. Tyl, K.J. Erben, K. H. Borovský, B. Němcová,

J. Neruda, A. Jirásek, J. Zeyer, J. V. Sládek, J. Vrchlický  


Reading sample texts and analysing language of Old Czech literature from its beginning to the period of the Czech National Rebirth (from the end of the 18th century - 50 years to the 19th century) and Czech Literature of 19th century till its end in the 80s.