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Conducting experimental research online

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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The structure of the course will be:

1. Introduction to online data collection

2. Methods for running experiments

3. Basics of JsPsych - how to code

4. Integrating JsPsych and

5. Building your first experiment

6. Extending experiments

7. Working with stimuli

8. Working with data

9. Different experimental paradigms 1

10. Different experimental paradigms 2

11. Crowdsourcing

12. Project proposals

13. Reporting methods

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This course will provide students with a practical and technical introduction to running online behavioural experiments for research in linguistics and psychology. In recent years, the use of online data collection has been critical for making scientific studies of language more efficient, reliable and transparent, but to use these methods effectively, a knowledge of how they work and when they are appropriate is crucial.

Throughout the course, the content will focus on developing a solid understanding of how to code experiments using the JsPsych framework, but no prior experience with coding/programming is required - the content will be aimed at a beginner level, with the expectation of learning to advance steadily each week. During each lecture, worksheets will be provided and students will be required to use their own laptops to learn practically, as well as having support and guidance from the lecturer.

A range of different experimental paradigms will be covered, so that students acquire the expertise to be able to create their very own experiments, collect data and then produce a written report, thus following the workflow of empirical researchers.