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Current Approaches in Linguistics

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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5. 10. Introduction 12. 10.

Structuralism 19. 10.: Enterprise of Generative Grammar  26. 10.: Foundations of Generative Grammar 2. 11.: Development of Generative Grammar 9. 11.: Continuations of Generative Grammar 16. 11.: Empirical turn: Frequency and usage-based approaches 23. 11. Linguistic diversity and language evolution 30. 11.

Language in the brain and mind 7. 12. The basics of cognitive linguistics 14. 12.

The advances in cognitive linguistics 21. 12. Interactional linguistics 4. 1.

Current challenges in linguistics: General discussion 11. 1. Consultation of essay topics

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The course focuses on the history of linguistics and development of various linguistic approaches since the second half of 20th century up to now, i. e. from structuralism to current integrative socio-cognitive approaches. Every week, a 20-minute English lecture introducing one perspective is followed by a 70-minute Czech seminar dedicated to the discussion of an English text related to the topic of the week.

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