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Practical Course of Turkish VI

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The entry-level competence for this course is B2 (CEFR) and the course will further improve upon this level. The course is a follow up of Practical Course of Turkish V. The focus of this course shifts from grammar and text based language acquisition to seminars with native speaker and spoken communication, language production and comprehension.

The course will make use of the textbook Yeni Hitit: Yabancılar için Türkçe – Yüksek B2-C1. And will be enhanced by materials of the lecturers. In order to facilitate the acquisition of vocabulary, materials will be prepared in Quizlet (

Topics of this semester (approximately): various constructions with relative clauses (-en, -diği, -eceği), konstrukce s -dikçe, sürece, boyunca