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Slected Issues of Czech Morphology

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1) Introductory lesson, introduction to the issue.

2) Selected aspects of language acquisition, acquired and learned grammar rules.

3) Role of grammar in the methods of foreign language teaching, mainly in the communication method.

4) Czech grammar presentation (particulary morphology) in textbooks of Czech for foreigners.

5) Grammar description types.

6) (Non)paralel features of morphological categories and linguodidactic solutions.

7) Selected issues of Czech morphology - grammar categories of nouns I.

8) Selected issues of Czech morphology - grammar categories of nouns II.

9) Grammar categories of verbs I.

10) Grammar categories of verbs II.

11) Invarianble (uninfledcted) parts of speech (adverbs, conjunctions)

12) Czech prepositions and particles.

13) Final lesson, revision.


Selected issues related to morphology of contemporary Czech are addressed in the seminar in the form of lectures, presentations and discussions. The primary focus is both on formal and functional morphology and on the description and presenation in teaching from the perspective of linguodidactics.