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Selected Issues of Czech Literature and Culture of 19th Century

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Tématické bloky: 1) Cesta k individualismu v evropské literární tradici (od Homérova Odysseia přes sv. Augustina a Petrarku k Hamletovi a Faustovi....) 2) Rytmizace dějin literatury, filozofie a umění v perspektivě individualismu 3) Zrození moderního individualismu na přelomu 18. a 19. století: romantický koncept génia 4) Romantický individualismus: napětí mezi titánem a zlomenou duší, mezi vítězstvím a marností 5) Vykreslení individualismu v kritickém psychosociálním pohledu realismu a naturalismu: člověk - tvor Boží, nebo psychobiologická jednotka? 6) Baudelairův "prožitek modernity" jako zlomový moment: modernita, modernismus a "nový" typ individualismu 7) Mezi dekadencí a symbolismem: aristokracie individualismu i hledání ztracené vzájemnosti 8) Bůh je mrtev: individualismus a filozofické koncepty Friedricha Nietzscheho a Arthura Schopenhauera 9) Anarchismus a satanismus: nové perspektivy moderní individuality?



The stories of great, contradictory, titanic and submissive characters are the basis of a mythical tradition, where, however, they referred more to universal human experience and to the givens of a certain order. Gradually, however, these narratives replaced the stories of specific, humanly individualistic characters. Rather than an allegorical depiction of a mythical experience, stories about a unique personal experience were promoted in the forefront of European literature. The topic of a specific human individual, projected into a diverse range of literary characters, was increasingly emphasized in the literature. The real renaissance of individualism became the 19th century, when countless literary characters entered literary stories, on which it is possible to observe changes in individualism both in the literary and artistic context and in connection with changes in time, contemporary scientific knowledge or contemporary philosophy. After a short excursion into the literature of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque, this course focuses on the changes of significant literary figures, in the context of individualism as a specific self-experience and self-reflection in modern times.