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Language Workshop

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The overall work is organized in a timetable according to the steps to be carried out: choosing the topic, presenting the topic to the course leadership, agreeing on the topic for the conference, developing the structure of the paper according to the given rules, working on the paper, consulting on the paper, finalizing the text, developing the conference program, dividing the organizational roles (invitations, spreading the program, moderating the sessions), preparing the PPT, implementing the conference, evaluating the conference.


The Language Workshop course is intended for students of Bohemian/ Czech Studies or students of other disciplines who are interested in presenting the results of their research in Czech. The general objective is to prepare a conference and present a paper. The implementation of the course is based on the following 4 areas of responsibilities:

1) independent work of students,

2) consultations with the course leader as well as with the leaders of their research/theses,

3) organizational preparation of the conference,

4) participation with a paper at the conference.