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3 Czech Oral and Written Performance II.

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Lexical and grammatical area, topics for speaking and writing 1 Introduction of students, Personal characteristics

Adjectives vy. properties, (Lesson 1) Description of oneself and colleagues 2 Český Honza - Pohádka

Phraseology with parts of the human body (lesson 1) Reproduction of listening to a fairy tale 3 How to do what (2nd lesson)

Verbal prefixes Workflow description 4 National cuisine and catering (2nd lesson)

Finished storyline and process Recipe for your favorite food 5 "It's Not About You" (Lesson 3)

Word order and pronouns Polemical dialogues 6 "The acquaintances themselves"

Word order in poetry: Rhyme and rhythm Poetry: Sloka limericku 7 Do you know Prague? (Lesson 4)

Movement around Prague and the Czech Republic. Imperatives Instructions: Where to go for culture / sports and how to get there 8 Public transport in Prague and in my city.

Comparison. (Lesson 4) Report. 9 Work and employment (lesson 5)

Looking for a career and resume job 10 Labor Relations (Lesson 5)

Workplace problem solving How should the boss behave? Controversial dialogue 11 Political System in the Czech Republic and in My Country, Elections (Lesson 6) Political Speech: My Electoral Speech 12 National minorities and cultural groups (Lesson 6) The position of the Roma in the Czech Republic

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