1. Substantiva
2. Adjektiva
3. Zájmena a číslovky
4. Slovesa
5. Valence a kolokabilita sloves, předložky (se slovesy)
6. Valence a kolokabilita sloves, předložky (se substantivy)
7. Valence sloves, konkurence infinitivních a substantivních vazeb
8. Spojky souřadicí
9. Spojky podřadicí
10. Větné transpozice
11. Slovosled
12. Závěrečný test
The course is primarily intended for foreign students who come to the Faculty of Arts, Charles University for their semester / two-semester internship.
The first part of the seminar intended for international students (scholarship holders) focuses on diffucult aspects of the Czech morphology in the realm of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals and verbs. The second part of the seminar aims at valency and collocability of verbs and nouns, use of prepositions and conjunctions and on Czech word order. The students will be asked to give short oral presentations on assigned topics.