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PVS/VS Iconicity across modalities

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Topics:    1. Intro: a brief history of the concept of iconicity in linguistics 2: Lexical iconicity in spoken languages: sound symbolism and ideophones 3: Lexical iconicity in signed languages: iconicity as a continuum 4: Beyond lexical iconicity 5: Iconicity and gesture 6: Iconicity and cognitive processing: evidence from neurology and psycholinguistics 7: Iconicity and language evolution 8: Iconicity and language acquisition


The course introduces the current discussion of iconicity in language: what is its role in grammatical structure across languages, in cognitive processing and in the ontogenesis and phylogenesis of language.

The courses focuses on the key areas of the current interest in iconicity in both modalities of language, with an particular emphasis on the theoretical underpinnings and methodological issues related to these ares.

The seminar is based on assigned reading and discussions in weekly classes.

U tohoto předmětu je možný opakovaný zápis předmětu podle čl. 9 Pravidel pro organizaci studia na FF UK v Praze, která byla schválena AS FF UK v Praze dne 13. 5. 2010 a AS UK v Praze dne 28. 5. 2010 s účinností od prvního dne akademického roku 2010/2011.