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PVS/VS Grammar of gestures: evolution, brain and linguistic structures

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The main focus of this interdisciplinary class is to describe the development of a systematic classification of gestures and mimics from Darwin to the present. We will discuss and compare forms, structures and functions of different types of gestures and sign languages, and also possible integration of gestures into theories of (verbal) grammar and possible use of gestures and sign languages by patients with diagnosed aphasia in the process of their therapy.

1.           Introduction to the semiotics of nonverbal communication: theoretical framework and terminology

2.           Evolution of thinking about gestures and mimics: From Darwin and Wundt to the present

3.           Gestures vs. sign languages: possibilities of classification, basic correspondences and differences

4.           Grammar of gestures vs. grammar of sign languages: Birdwhistell‘s Kinesics and context

5.           Grammaticalization of gestures vs. grammaticalization of sign languages

6.           Gestures and aphasia: parallel restrictions of speech and gestures

7.           Gestures and aphasia: compensation of speech with the help of gestures

8.           Using gestures to improve communication in the process of therapy of aphasia

9.           Using gestures to retrieve words in the process of therapy of aphasia

10.         Using sign languages in the process of therapy of aphasia

11.         Small oral presentation of each student

12.         Conclusions and possible views to the future of research of sign languages-gestures interface

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Different types of gestures, their possible use in the process of therapy by aphasic patients, comparision of gestures and sign languages and possible use of sign languages by aphasics, grammaticalization of gestures and sign languages.