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Didactics: Activating Methods in Teaching

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Introduction to the issue of activation methods, their characteristics, classification, breadth of concept, role (use in different phases of teaching for different purposes). Acquaintance with secondary literature.

Activation methods (brainstorming, brainwriting, mindmapping) (1 teaching unit)2. Activation methods (warm-up, free writing, 6-3-5 method, question generator, pentagram, cube) (1 teaching unit)3.

Work with the class team. The class as a group.

Experiential pedagogy. Classroom climate.

Working with an error (1 learning unit)4. Communication methods I - individual (questions, presentations, arguments, problem solving) (1 teaching unit)5.

Communication methods II - social interaction (discussion, debate, feedback) (1 teaching unit)7. Interactive techniques, group cooperation, cooperative learning (1 teaching unit)8.

Drama pedagogy in language teaching (1 teaching unit)9. Methods supporting critical thinking and working with texts (1 teaching unit)10.

Didactic games in teaching (1 teaching unit)11. – 12. presentation of selected methods on their own examples of specific use in teaching practice (presented by course participants)13. Final evaluation of the course, reflection of the methods used by other course participants and teachers from practice, reflection of the use for the given subjects and activities/content within the subjects (1 teaching unit)The syllabus is created as part of the project "Support for undergraduate education of future teachers at the UK" reg. no.

CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_068/0016093, implemented as part of OP VVV.


It is a practically oriented one-semester optional course (hour allowance: 26 hours/semester), in which students are introduced to the basic knowledge of individual methods, and they are provided with sufficient space for real practice of these methods in model teaching situations. The presentation of individual methods within the course is also implemented in an activation way, so that students have the opportunity to feel the advantages and disadvantages of using activation methods themselves in their own teaching from the position of pupils; at the same time, practical training on the chosen topics will enable them to assume the role of future teachers who will use activation methods in everyday practice. It also includes an evaluation of the functionality, implementation and fulfillment of the objectives of the given activity.

The course thus becomes a suitable supplement to the didactics courses of various taught subjects, in which there is not enough space for a detailed analysis and practice of individual activation methods. The content of the course is designed relatively broadly with the aim of providing students with a basic overview of activation methods in the broadest and narrowest sense of the word and with the ambition to enable students to practice and test methods according to their current needs and choice.

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