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Czech Drama: Past and Present

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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The course will focus on text analysis of selected Czech plays, as well as performance analysis of contemporary

Czech/Prague stage productions. Students are required to read texts and attend selected stage productions.

All texts are available in English. The character of shows will vary: non-verbal theatre, physical theatre, puppet theatre, text-based theatre (students will be provided with a script in English). Students will pay for the tickets.

Tickets won't be reimbursed. Prices of tickets for students: approx. 100 - 180 CZK.

Texts will be available online, productions will be specified during the term.

The times of the shows will vary but it will be evening/night hours (shows in Prague start at 7:00pm, 7:30pm, 8:pm).

Room: 408, Faculty of Arts Building, 4th floor.

Schedule: Wednesdays, 12:30-14:00

Goals of the course: Students should learn how to ‘read’ and interpret plays and theatre productions as specific works of art.

Assessment: Active particpation, Presentation

Final: An analysis of the selected play/show (1,500 – 2,000 words)

Attendance policy: Attendance is mandatory. Each student is allowed to miss 240 minutes. For each additional unexcused absence, the final grade will be reduced automatically.


Required Readings will be specified...