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Seminář současného umění II

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |



Lecturer: Mgr. Zuzana Štefková Ph.D.

Tel: 731 512 512; e-mail:

Consultations: Thursday 9:10 – 10:40 AM after previous e-mail request in the room no. 416 at the Institute of Art History in Celetná 20, or upon request

Class Time: Friday 10:50 am – 12:25 pm

Location: Galleries and locations according to the syllabus

Course Description:

This seminar seeks to acquaint students with different approaches and strategies of contemporary art and introduce a wide range of figures operating within Czech and international contemporary art scene. This will be done by means of direct contact and exploration of Prague galleries and the cities’ exteriors. The choice of the sites of interest will reflect the current offer of the local art scene. The course participants will be responding to selected works of art and curatorial concepts based on their direct exposure to and personal experience with the works.

Course Requirements:

Oral presentation

Part of the evaluation is a short (10-15 minutes) oral presentation of each student’s final assignment topic. This presentation will be delivered in class during the two last weeks of the spring semester. The presentation should be spoken or read and include visual aids (for example Powerpoint presentation).

Exhibition journal

Students should keep an exhibition journal throughout the semester with short (5-10 sentences) descriptions of visited exhibitions due May 23 (23:59 pm).

Writing Assignment – Final essay

Students are asked to write a paper on topic related to issues addressed during the gallery visits. It should most importantly show the students’ ability to contextualize the works, exhibitions, curatorial concepts they were exposed to. The paper must have at least 9000 characters, bibliography, and footnotes (preferably in Chicago style: ) Students should feel free to consult their topic and submit the first draft of their paper beforehand. Please e-mail the chosen topic with a short annotation and list of relevant sources to the lecturer by April 30. The deadline for submission of the final essay is May 23 (for students attending both semesters). Essays delivered after this deadline will lead to downgrading by 10 %.

Assessment and final grade:

Evaluation: The final grade will be based on the results of an oral presentation of the final paper topic 20 %, final paper 30 %, gallery journal i.e. list of visited galleries and museum with a short description of each exhibition 10 %, and active participation on the seminar's activities and discussions 40%.

The following weekly schedule may be subject to change. In such case the lecturer would send announcement via email prior class.

Week 1:


Introduction of the course

Academy of Art, Architecture, and Design

Náměstí Jana Palacha 80/3, VA Studio, room no. 306, 3rd floor

Week 2:


After New Media

National Technical Library

Technická 6, Prague 6

Week 3:


Lea Petříková: A Girl Named Sandoz

Michal Cáb, Marek Hlaváč, Tomáš Kajánek: It Never Was / It Always Will Be

Monika Žáková: Expanding the Factory

Pragovka District

Kolbenova 923/34a, Prague 9

Week 4:


Jiří Thýn: Shape, Work and Two Fat Bellies

Hunt Kastner Gallery

Bořivojova 85, Prague 3

Jan Turner: Looking After a Stump 35m2 Gallery

Víta Nejedlého 23, Praha 3

Week 5:



NoD Gallery

Dlouhá 33, Prague 1

Week 6:


Healing 2.0.

Gallery MeetFactory

Marie Lukáčová: Magic in a Time of Economic Progress

Kostka Gallery

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Prague 5

Week 7:


Multilogues on the Now


Dittrichova 9/337, Prague 2

Week 8:


NO CLASS – Easter Holiday

Week 9:


Ivana Šáteková: Everyday sexism

Artwall Gallery

Embankment Kapitána Jaroše and Edvarda Beneše, Prague 7

Week 10:


Milena Dopitová: Loving Peace

Gallery MeetFactory

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Prague 5

Week 11:


Carnations and Velvet: Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia 1968 – 1974 – 1989

City Prague Gallery

Municipal Gallery

Week 12:


Student Presentations

Classroom no. 415

Institute of Art History, Celetná 20, Prague 1

Week 13:


Student Presentations

Classroom no. 415

Institute of Art History, Celetná 20, Prague 1