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Selected Topics from the Czech Art History IV

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Selected Topics from the Czech Art History IV

Summer Semester of 2020/2021  

Ing. Mgr. Markéta Čejková

Czech Cubism in Architecture (focused on Prague) (lecture)

The lecture will discuss the very specific aspect of cubism developed almost exclusively by the Czech architects. It will cover the background, the development and the most interesting constructions completed within a very short time period between 1911 and 1927. The buildings and constructions discussed are mostly located in Prague but a few out of Prague ones will be mentioned as well. As a bonus cubistic design realised by the Czech cubistic architects will be covered by the lecture as well.


Zdeněk Lukes, Ester Havlova: Czech Architectural Cubism, Prague 2006

Museum of Czech Cubism, entrance fee (excursion)

The lecture will be held in the Museum of Czech Cubism focusing on cubistic design (furniture, glass, porcelaine and china, paintings, posters, etc.). As the museum is located in a very famous cubistic house designed by Josef Gočár, the lecture will also cover the architecture and design of the building.  

Marie Fiřtová, M.A.

Prague As The “Picturesque 19th Century Town”: Michalovic Miller’s House As The Perfect Example of The 19th Century Burgher Style (excursion)

The excursion will start in the small miller’s house (Vávra’s House or Michalovic Mill), which represents the perfect example of the 19th century burgher style. The positioning of the building doesnot correspond to its surroundings anymore, it is therefore important to get acquainted with the original context of the housing development. We will start our tour inside the house focusing on the unique wall paintings from 1847, made by one of the most important representatives of the Czech Biedermeier era - Josef Navrátil. In the Alpine room, I will try to explain you the principals of the “Zimmerreise”, a popular bourgeois pastimeof the 19th century. There are only few other examples of intact preserved interieur in the burgher houses in Europe, which is mainly caused by the permanent changing of the owners. This lecture should also give you basic knowledge about the artistic scene around the mid-19th century, followed by a short walk around the Prague Old town to mediate the impression of the “picturesque 19th century town”.  


Petrasová Taťána – Švácha Rostislav (eds.), Art in the Czech Lands 800–2000, Praha: Artefactum – Arbor vitae societas, 2017 Vondráček, Radim, ed. Biedermeier: art and culture in the Bohemian lands 1814-1848. Prague: Museum ofDecorativeArts, 2010 Hulíková, Veronika, ed., URBAN, Otto M., ed. a WITTLICH, Filip, ed. Art ofthe Long Century 1796-1918: portraitofthecollection NGP. Prague: NationalGallery, 2019. Stiegler Bernd, ReisenderStillstand. EinekleineKulturgeschichte der Reisenimund um dasZimmerherum, Frankfurt amMain 2010.  

Mgr. Tereza Havelková

Czech Early Modernism (lecture)

Lecture will deal with the formation of modern art in the Czech lands during the late 19th and early 20th century. The focus will be on the Czech modern art as part of European international context, in which inspirations and influences have been taken over and reinterpreted. We will examine the role of major exhibitions of artists such as Gustav Rodin or Edvard Munch in Prague and important art movements and styles (impressionism, expressionism, cubism) that resonated in Czech art of that period.


Taťána Petrasová – Rostislav Švácha (eds.), Art in the Czech Lands 800–2000, Praha: Artefactum – Arbor vitae societas, 2017 Hvezdoslav STEFAN: Czech Modernism 1900-1945, 1989, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, 1990 (available at the National Library in Prague) Marta FILIPOVÁ: Modernity, History, and Politics in Czech Art, New York, Routledge, 2019 From the magazine Umění / Art: Umění / Art 3 LII 2004: Alena POMAJZLOVÁ: Signora X - Růžena Zátková, p. 231 Umění / Art 1 LIV 2006: Marcel PENCÁK: The 1913 competition for the Jan Žižka Monument on Vítkov hill, p. 69 Umění / Art I LIV 2006: Roman PRAHL: The „pre-history“ of Czech modernism in Munich, pp. 57-68 In German: Umění / Art 2 LIV 2006: Marie RAKUŠANOVÁ: Grosse Aneinandervorbei oder Unauffällige Resonanz? Der Besuch von Otto und Marie Mueller sowie Erst Ludwig Kirchner 1911 in Böhmen, p. 142 Umění / Art 6 XI 1963: Jindřich ŠÁMAL: Evard Munch und Prag, pp. 467 – 468 In French: Umění / Art 4 LVII 2009: Karolína FABELOVÁ: Bourdelle à Prague en 1909 et son rapport aux artistes tchèques et à Auguste Rodin, pp. 364 – 384 Umění / Art 3 XIV 1966: Petr WITTLICH: Le Cubisme d’Otto Gutfreund, p. 256  

Mgr. Klára Jarolímková 1918–1938: First Czechoslovak Republic – excursion to the National Gallery Prague (entrance fee) (excursion)

The permanent exhibition 1918–1938: First Czechoslovak Republicof the National Gallery Prague was created for the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of founding of Czechoslovakia. The exhibition shows the rich and cosmopolitan art scene in the young independent Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1938. It introduces prominent galleries, art clubs and institutions, as well as the important cultural centres. There is a rich variety of art production as paintings, graphics, sculptures, video projections as well as book illustrations and design. Besides the paintings by prominent Czech, Slovak and Czech-German artists there are also shown the artworks from the important National Gallery’s French collection


Bydžovská, Lenka / Srp, Karel: Jindřich Štyrský, Prague 2007 Hubatová-Vacková, Lada: First Republic 1918-1938, Prague 2018 Kallert, Kristina: Frühling in Prag oder Wege des Kubismus, München 2005 Mansbach, Steven: Modern art in Eastern Europe, from the Baltic to the Balkans, ca 1890-1939, Cambridge 1999 Michalová, Rea: Karel Teige: Captain of the Avant-Garde, Prague, 2018 Pomajzlová, Alena (ed.): Devětsil 1920-1931, Catalogue of the Prague City Gallery, Prague 2019 Srp, Karel: Toyen, Prague 2000 Srp, Karel: New formations, Czech avant-garde art and modern glass from the Roy and Mary Cullen collection, Houston 2011 Švácha, Rostislav (ed): Devětsil: the Czech avant-garde of the 1920s and 30s, Oxford 1990 Švestka, Jiří: Czech Cubism 1909-1925, Prague 2006 Vloemans, John: Czech Avant-garde Books 1922-1938, Devětsil – Poetism – Constructivism –Surrealism, Hague 1994 Uhrová, Olga: Picasso, Prague 2008 Modern and contemporary Czech art 1890-2010, part I, catalogue of the exhibition, Prague 2010 L'A

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Selected Topics from the Czech Art History VI

Vybraná témata českých dějin umění VI

Cyklus přednášek v angličtině pro zahraniční studenty, letní semestr 2020/2021

Název kurzu: Selected Topics from the Czech Art History VI / Vybraná témata českých dějin umění VI

Čas konání kurzu: každé úterý od 15:50 do 17:25 (učebna č. 415)

Garant kurzu: doc. PhDr. Marie Rakušanová, Ph.D. (formální garant pro potřeby vložení do systému) / PhDr. Lenka Šimková (organizace a koordinace kurzu)

Charakter kurzu: uměleckohistorické cvičení

Způsob ukončení kurzu: zkouška písemnou formou

Ohodnocení kredity: 4 kredity

Podmínky úspěšného zakončení kurzu: úspěšné složení písemné zkoušky a alespoň 75% účast na kurzu.

Studenti na začátku kurzu obdrží kompletní seznam přednášejících a jejich témat včetně krátké charakteristiky každé přednášky a doporučené literatury. Podle tohoto dokumentu si co nejdříve zvolí přednášejícího, u nějž budou chtít zkoušku složit, kontaktují jej a domluví se s ním na konkrétních podmínkách. Písemná práce musí být v rozsahu 6 – 10 normostran včetně poznámkového aparátu a literatury. Zvolenému přednášejícímu pak práci na konci kurzu odevzdají, ten ji ohodnotí a domluví se se studentem na krátkém osobním pohovoru nad prací.

Charakteristika kurzu: The course is specifically designed for foreign students coming to Prague to learn more about Czech art and its historical, political and social context. However, the aim of the course is not simply to summarize the most important facts, artists and artworks but rather to introduce the students to a selection of interesting moments in the Czech art history with the help of a range of interdisciplinary approaches and new methodological tools. As for the time period, the course will cover the period from Middle Ages to the twentieth century with a stronger focus on modern art.

Kurz je vytvořen speciálně pro potřeby zahraničních studentů, kteří přijeli do Prahy, aby se dozvěděli více o českém umění a jeho historickém, politickém a sociálním kontextu. Přesto však cílem kurzu není jen podání prostého přehledu nejdůležitějších faktů, umělců a jejich děl, ale spíše seznámení studentů s několika vybranými zajímavými momenty české historie umění, a to s pomocí interdisciplinárního přístupu a nových metodologických nástrojů. Časově kurz pokryje období od středověku po dvacáté století s tím, že důraz je kladen na moderní umění.

Seznam přednášejících a názvů přednášek (řazeno abecedně):

Ing. Mgr. Markéta Čejková

• Czech Cubism in Architecture (focused on Prague) (lecture)

• Museum of Czech Cubism, entrance fee (excursion)

Marie Fiřtová, M.A.

• Prague As The “Picturesque 19th Century Town”: Michalovic Miller’s House As The Perfect Example of The 19th Century Burgher Style (excursion)

Mgr. Tereza Havelková

• Czech Early Modernism (lecture)

Mgr. Klára Jarolímková

• 1918–1938: First Czechoslovak Republic – excursion to the National Gallery Prague (entrance fee) (excursion)

• The Northern Renaissance Paintingsof the Lobkowicz Collections – excursion to the Lobkowicz Palace at Prague Castle (entrance fee) (excursion)

PhDr. Iva Knobloch

• Functionalism As a Progressive Lifestyle in Pre-war Czechoslovakia (lecture)

PhDr. Petra Matějovičová

• Jewellery (both historical and contemporary) (lecture)

• Jewellery (both historical and contemporary) (workshop)

Mgr. Eliška Podholová Varyšová

• Post-war architecture in Czechoslovakia 1945-1968: Late Functionalism, Socialist Realism and the Golden Sixties (lecture)

PhDr. Lenka Šimková

• Fluxus in Prague (lecture)

• Czech Land Art – Is There Such a Thing? (lecture)