Because this theme is a vast one that can be dependent upon too many literature pieces, a good approach is to tackle the various genres, or subgenres that the ancient Egyptian employed. Moreover, such an approach can allow us to avoid reading a sizeable number of compositions but, at the same time, open analysis with methodical principles.
M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature. Vol. 1-3, Berkley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press 1975-80.
K.A. Kitchen, "The Basic Literary Forms and Formulations of Ancient Instructional Writings in Egypt and Western
Asia," in: E. Hornung and O. Keel (eds.), Studien zu altaegyptischen Lebenslehre. Freiburg and Gottingen: Uni
Verlag and Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1979, 235-82.