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Egyptian Reading I

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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(AEA 100015) ZS 2021


Doc. PhDr. Filip Coppens, Ph.D. (

Místnost C426 (Celetná) — Pátek, 09.10–10.45 (Kurz začne v pátek 8. října)


PODMÍNKY UDĚLENÍ ATESTACE 1. Students are expected to prepare assigned texts (transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis) and actively participate during the sessions. 2. Students are expected to attend a minimum of 9 out of 12 sessions. In case that a student misses more sessions the credit (zápočet) can still be obtained by fulfilling individual assignments, equivalent to the number of sessions missed. 3. The credit (zápočet) can only be assigned after students have successfully passed the exam of

“Egyptský jazyk II (AEA100006)” (Mgr. R. Landgráfová, Ph.D.) or have successfully passed a similar exam of Middle Egyptian grammar at another university


In the fall semester, the focus of the class will be on the transliteration, translation and a detailed grammatical analysis of literary texts in Middle/Classical Egyptian. Selected passages will be read and analysed from a.o. “The Shipwrecked Sailor” and Papyrus Westcar.


Basic manual:

* Landgráfová, R., Jazyk egyptských písařů: Gramatika klasické egyptštiny, Praha 2013.


* Allen, J. P., Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs,

Cambridge 2000/2010.

* Borghouts, J.-F, Egyptian. An Introduction to the Language and Writing of the Middle Kingdom,

Leuven 2010.

* Gardiner, A. H., Egyptian Grammar, Oxford 1957.

* Graefe, E., Mittelägyptisch. Grammatik für Anfänger, Wiesbaden 2001.

* Hoch, J. E., Middle Egyptian Grammar, Missisauga 1995.

* Loprieno, A., Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction, Cambridge 1995.

* M. Malaise – J. Winand, Grammaire raisonnée de l’égyptien classique, Liège 1999.

* Ockinga, B., Mittelägyptische Grundgrammatik, Mainz 1998.

* Schenkel, W., Einführung in die klassisch-ägyptische Sprache und Schrift, Tübingen 2012.


* Erman, A. – Grapow, H., Wörterbuch der Ägyptischen Sprache, Leipzig 1926-1931.

* Hannig, R., Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch-Deutsch, Mainz 1995.

* Hannig, R., Ägyptisches Wörterbuch II: Mittleres Reich und Zweite Zwischenzeit, Mainz 2006.

* Hannig, R. – Vomberg, P., Wortschatz der Pharaonen in Sachgruppen, Mainz 1999.

* Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae,