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Languages of the Ancient Near East

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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The subject Languages of the Ancient Near East introduces the language situation of Asia Minor and its neighboring areas in antiquity. We will be dealing with the oldest texts till up to the first century AD. You will be introduced to the scripts, genres, language classification and basics of morphology and syntax of the languages. Language contact and sociolinguistic analysis are natural parts of the lectures.


Woodard, R. G., The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Aksum, Cambridge 2008.

Woodard, R. G., The Ancient Languages of Syria-Palestine and Arabia, Cambridge 2008.

Zemánek, P. et al., Jazyky starého Orientu, Praha 2010.

Charvát, P., On People, Signs and States. Spotlights on Sumerian Society, c. 3500-2500 B.C., Praha 1998.

Oppenheim, A. L., Starověká Mezopotámie, Praha 2001.

Petráček, K., Úvod do hamitosemitské (afroasijské) jazykovědy, I-II, Praha 1989.