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Class at Faculty of Arts |

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The course aims to familiarise the students with Ptolemaic writing system, the apparatus (sign lists, grammars, lexica etc) available and the scientific methods used for the transliteration, translation and analysis of Ptolemaic texts. Throughout the course, texts - for the most part the temples of Philae, Edfu and Dendera - will be analysed in detail in class.

Th ecourse also aims to acquaint the students with the media on which the Ptolemaic writing system can be found

(predominantly but not exclusively on the walls of traditional temples from the Ptolemaic and Roman period) as well as focus on the rules and regulations observable in the distribution of text and image on the temple walls (the so-called "grammaire du temple").

Studijní literatura:

D. Kurth, Einführung ins Ptolemäische. Eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken I-II, Hützel 2007- 2008.

P. Wilson, A Ptolemaic Lexikon. A Lexicographical Study of the Texts in teh Temple of Edfu, OLA 78, Leuven 1997.