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Transformace v pozdní Staré říši v královském a nekrálovském kontextu

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Transformations in the late Old Kingdom in royal and non-royal context

LS 2020/2021, 2/0 vyučující: M. Megahed jazyk výuky: angličtina atestace (Z): aktivní účast v hodinách a diskusích

Body: 4

The class will introduce the long-discussed transformations in the social, political and religious aspects of the ancient Egyptian culture during the late Old Kingdom. Various types of sources will be discussed, including textual, historical, archaeological, architectural and iconographic evidence. The classes will partly stress out the results of the ongoing field projects by the members of the Czech Institute of Egyptology in Saqqara and Abusir, Egypt.

Základní studijní literatura:

N. Kanawati, Decorated burial chambers of the Old Kingdom, Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2010.

N. Kanawati, Conspiracies in the Egyptian Palace: Unis to Pepy I. London; New York: Routledge, 2003.

N. Kloth, Die (auto-) biographischen Inschriften des ägyptischen Alten Reiches: Untersuchungen zur Phraseologie und Entwicklung [BSAK 8], Hamburg: Buske, 2002.

M. Verner, Sons of the Sun: Rise and Decline of the Fifth Dynasty. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of

Arts, 2014.