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Writing on the Fringe. Cuneiform Traditions in the Peripheries

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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An intense course on Peripheral Akkadian will take place between August 17 and 21, 2020.

The spread of the use of cuneiform wrtiting from its original Mesopotamian centers to neighboring regions represents a significant socio-historical and cultural phenomenon. During the 2nd Millennium BC, cuneiform became an instrument of administration and diplomacy through which records of economic transactions and legal disputes were kept along with its role in preserving and perpetuating literary nad scholastic traditions. The study of these documents helps us to shed light on the course of dynamic political and cultural-social development on the fringes of the cuneiform world. The International Summer School "Writing on the Fringe" reflects current trends in the field of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, making a direct link between research and teaching. Through the study of primary sources presented in a series of lecture blocks and seminars, students will learn about the unique phenomenon of this so-called Peripheral Akkadian, with special attention given to the material from Alalah

(Jacob Lauinger), Tikunani (Regine Pruzsinszky), Amarna (Jana Mynářová), Ugarit (Kevin McGeough), and Emar

(Matthew Rutz).