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At the fringes of humanity

Class at Faculty of Arts |


This class is organised around a series of workshops sharing a common subject, « the fringes of humanity », which includes many diverse topics and issues, such as :

 Animal studies

 Teratology

 Robots, artificial intelligence

 Witches, zombies, undead, etc.

 Superhuman : angels, gods, heroes

Individually or as groups, the participants will have the possibility to choose a subject they are interested in and to develop knowledge and a critical thinking around it during the semester. They will discover various types of documents (texts, movie excerpt, taping) and they will be able to debate these issues in class. Thus, in this class, analysis, discussion and creation will always be linked, and will be rooted in everyone’s individual and collective choices when it comes to making decisions.

The participants will work on two projects: a personal and individual folder which will include all their research work and personal investigations (depending on their choices, it could be creative work, documents analysis, interviews, etc.) and a creative work which will be shown at an exhibition at the end of the year.

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