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Platón, Gorgiás o Segvic, H. (2000): No One Errs Willingly: The meaning of Socratic Intellectualism, OSAP 19, 1-45 (dvě prezentace). o Nehamas, A. (1999 [1987]): Socratic Intellectualism v ibid, Virtues of Authenticity, Princeton, s. 27-58.

Aristotelés, Etika Nikomachova, výběr z knih I, II, III, VI, X o Broadie S. (1991): Method and Starting Points, What Is Happiness, Happiness Defined v ibid, Ethics with Aristotle, Oxford, s. 17-40. o Burnyeat, M.F. (1980): Aristotle on Learning to Be Good v Rorty, A. O. (ed) Essays on Aristotles Ethics, Berkeley, s. 69-92. o Williams, B. (1980): Justice as a Virtue v Rorty, A. O. (ed) Essays on Aristotles Ethics, Berkeley, s. 189-199.

David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature III.1 Of virtue and vice in general a III.3.1 Of the origin of the natural virtues and vices o Irwin T. (2008): Hume: Passion and Reason, Errors of Objectivism, The Moral Sense v ibid, The Development of Ethics, vol. 2, s. 579-640 (prezentace k jednotlivým pasážím z Treatise). o Hardin R. (2007): 2. Moral Psychology a 3. Strategic Analysis v ibid, David Hume: Moral and Political Theorist, Oxford, s. 27-80.

Immanuel Kant, Základy metafyziky mravů o Christine Korsgaard: Kants analysis of obligation: The Argument of Groundwork I v Creating the Kingdom of Ends, s. 43-76. o John Rawls (2000): The Categorical Imperative: The First Formulation v ibid, Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, Harvard, s. 162-180.

John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, kap. General Remarks, What Utilitarianism Is a On the Connection Between Justice And Utility o John Rawls: Classical Utilitarianism v A Theory of Justice (1999), Harvard, s. 19-24. o Bernard Williams: A Critique of Utilitarianism v Smart a Williams, Utilitarianism: For and Against, Cambridge, s. 82-117. (repr. v Cahn-Markie (ed.) Ethics) o Skorupski, J. (2006): ?The Good for Human Beings? v ibid, Why Read Mill Today, Routledge, s. 15-38.

G.E.M. Anscombe, Modern Moral Philosophy (příp. G. H. Mead, Fragments on Ethics v Mind, Self and Society (1934))

Thomas Scanlon, What We Owe to Each Other, The Structure of Contractualism


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