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Platonism in Medieval Philosophy

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1. Augustin (vztah křesťanství a platonismu; láska a svobodná vůle; problém zla)

2. Boëthius (problém jsoucna a bytí; pravá blaženost a dokonalé dobro; problém zla)

3. Dionysios Areopagita (hierarchické universum, způsoby vypovídání o Bohu)

4. Jan Scotus Eriugena (čtyřčetné dělení přírody)

5. Tomáš Akvinský (rozdíl esence a bytí; participace na bytí; Bůh jakožto o sobě existující bytí)


The course is concerned with the representatives of patristics and western medieval philosophy who were influenced by Platonic or Neoplatonic philosophy, such as Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius the Areopagite, Johannes Scotus Eriugena or Thomas Aquinas. The objective is not only to present some important topics which are a part of the skelet exam in medieval philosophy, but also to show how the patristic and medieval thinkers adopted and transformed the tradition of (Neo)platonic philosophy, using it to conceptualize the Christian faith.

The course combines lectures and seminars consisting in reading and interpreting selected texts by the above-mentioned authors.