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Aktualizovaný program pro zbytek semestru 7.12. Intelekt I: Enn.

V, 1, 5-6 (dvě aktivity), Enn. V, 9, 6 a 8 (jednota a mnohost Intelektu); ref.: Štěpán Fiala (a Jakub Aredáš?) 14.12. host: Dániel Kovács - Plotinus on Life I (příprava: Enn.

I, 4, 1-4 a Enn. IV, 4, 18-20); od 19:05 v m.č. 225 V také Ota Gál - Plotinus on Life II (všichni jsou srdečně zváni i na Otovo vystoupení!) 21.12.

Intelekt II: Enn. V, 9, 9-10 (obsahy Intelektu), Enn.

V, 1, 4 a Enn. V, 3, 5 (bytí a myšlení); ref.

Richard Hamerlík 4.1. Jedno: Enn.

V, 1, 1 (tolma); Enn. V, 3, 11 (prenoetické hledění); Enn.

V, 3, 15 (dávání, dynamis všeho) 5.1. 19:30 "jdeme na jedno"


This seminar will offer a systematic introduction into Plotinus' work. We will attempt to understand Plotinus' "new Platonism", which is in fact a well thought-out synthesis of several key strands of the preceding traiditon and which will be in the background of almost everything that happens in the history of philosophy of (at least) the following millenium.

The aim of the seminar will be to map the main topics of Plotinus' thought, get acquinted with his "system" as a whole and acquire practice in reading (in translations) his experimental essays.