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John Duns Scotus

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Charles University

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

(MA module)

Anna Tropia, Ph.D.

Office hours:

Wednesday 13:00-14:00


Introduction to John Duns Scotus

Wednesday 15:50 - 17:25

Room: P225

This course will tackle the main theses, concerned with theory of cognition, expounded by John Duns Scotus (1265 – 1308) in his “Ordinatio” (= final draft before publication). In particular, we will read parts of the distinctio III, where the philosopher exposes the controversial doctrine of univocity of being and parts ways from his contemporaries (such as Thomas Aquinas and Henry of Ghent) concerning the first intellect’s object – the “primum cognitum” – and the knowledge of God. The text will be read in the recent and extremely helpful English translation by J. Van der Bercken (NY, 2016).