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Development of a methodology for the enhancement of philosophical thinking

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1. seminář – představení koncepce kurzu, filosofických kompetencí, pracovních listů pro Didaktikon; rozdělení do pracovních skupin 2. seminář – ukázka metodického zpracování pracovního listu do výuky + reflexe 3.-7. seminář – ukázky možných způsobů rozvíjení kompetencí na základě odborné literatury i praxe vyučujících 8.-12. seminář – prezentace návrhů výukových hodin + vzájemná zpětná vazba


The course is based on the premise that an important goal of high school philosophy education is the development of students' philosophical thinking. The aim of the course is to introduce the concept of philosophical competences (text interpretation, working with concepts, argumentation, reflection of philosophical problems, self-reflection, communication), to subject it to a critical analysis, if necessary, and to design lessons that develop the selected competences. In terms of content, the proposed lessons will be based on the problem-based questions and worksheets created for the Automaton for Philosophical Theatre exhibit at the Didaktikon Learning Centre ( The proposed lessons will be tested and reflected upon in the practice of selected secondary school teachers, or in the own practice of the students involved, and eventually published together as a methodological guide for teachers.

The course is intended primarily for students of the Teaching Philosophy programme, but is also open to others interested in the didactics of philosophy.