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Noam Chomsky: Language, Mind, Science

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Noam Chomsky on Language, Mind and Science Course description: Noam Chomsky’s work on language and mind has been enormously influential on contemporary philosophy. Chomsky has revitalised the tradition of innatism with his ‘Cartesian linguistics’, and he has helped shape cognitive science with his mentalism and modular theory of the mind. In addition, Chomsky has provided us with an important critique of physicalism; he has offered a challenge to the neo-Darwinist orthodoxy in evolutionary theory; and he has put forward a highly original interpretation of the aims of modern science, in which Newton plays a central role. In this course we will explore all these themes in the philosophy of Noam Chomsky with special emphasis on his philosophy of mind. We will also examine Chomsky’s influence on the thought of such philosophers as Jerry Fodor, Steven Pinker, Galen Strawson and Colin McGinn.

1. Introduction

2. Linguistic Creativity

3. Universal and Transformational Grammar

4. Talking Chimps and Other Problems

5. Chomsky on Mind and Biology

6. The Modularity of Mind

7. Epistemic Boundedness (Jerry Fodor)

8. Evolutionary Theory and Natural Selection

9. Chomsky on the Nature of Science after the Newtonian Revolution

10. Chomsky’s Rejection of Physicalism

11. Chomsky and the Problem of Consciousness (Galen Strawson and Colin McGinn)

12. The Implications of the Mind as a Biologically Fixed System (Steven Pinker) Course Requirements: Each week there will be a reading available which will then be the subject of our discussion in the seminar. Our course will be graded according to two criteria: attendance and written work. Students who have not had more than three absences will be eligible for the grade. The written work will be a short essay of at least 2,000 words (hardcopy please) on one subject from the course. This essay should show both knowledge of the philosophical position in question as well as your own argued standpoint. An essay title and plan should be prepared by

26.11.2012. The deadline for handing in the essay is

17.12.2012. Erasmus students should ensure that they leave adequate time between handing in their essay and leaving Prague, so that we can meet, discuss the essay, and award a grade. Those who meet the two course requirements will receive an examination (zkouška) in the Czech system, or 6 credits in the case of Erasmus students.