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Introduction to Phenomenology

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The goal of these lectures is to offer a basic introduction to phenomenology. Even though the phenomenological philosophy might seem to be abstract at first it's understandable if one keeps the meaning of its basic concepts in mind. I will try to present these concepts and their history in a clear manner in short lectures which will be followed by us reading selected texts of the phenomenological tradition. In order not to confuse too many things together we will concentrate on the work of Edmund Husserl and young Martin Heidegger. The understanding of their conceptions of phenomenology opens doors to understanding phenomenology as such. This should make it possible for students to read other major works of main thinkers of the phenomenological tradition on their own.

Recommended literature (will be available in the study room of ÚFaR), List of the compulsory literature from Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty is in the table below:

Zahavi Dan: Husserl´s Phenomenology,  Stanford University Press, 2003

Patočka Jan: An introduction to Husserl’s Phenomenology, Chicago ; La Salle : Open Court, 1996

Dermot Moran: Introduction to Phenomenology

Spiegelberg Herbert: The Phenomenological Movement vol. 1-2, Nijhoff, 1960

Dreyfuss Hubert: Being-in-the-world : a commentary on Heidegger’s "Being and Time", MIT Press 1991

Kisiel Theodor: The Genesis of Heidegger´s Being and Time,

On the net:

Main works of E. Husserl in German (in case you read German)) are here:    

Lectures: Texts to be read (downloadable from Moodle): 1. Lecture: Brentano and phenomenology as descriptive psychology (static psychology, intentionality, classification of psychic acts)

Franz Brentano, The Origin of our Knowledge of Right and Wrong, transl. by R.Chisholm, Routledge, 2009, p. 8-14. 2. Lecture: Husserl and Logical Investigations(Husserl's concept of intentionality, signitive and fulfilled intentions, a priori laws and intuition of essences, sensory object - horizon - sign - image)

Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, vol. II, transl. by J.N.Findlay, Routledge, 2001, VI.Investigation, Chapter 2., p. 216-226. 3. Lecture: Husserl and his Ideas pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology (epoché, noema, transcendental idealism)

Edmund Husserl, Ideas pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology, Book I.,transl. by F.Kersten, Nijhoff 1983, Part two, Chapter I., s. 51-63. 4. Lecture:Husserl on inter-subjectivity (body, inter-subjective constitution of objectivity)

Edmund Husserl, Ideas pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology, Book II., transl. by R.Rojcewicz, A.Schuwer, Kluwer 1989, Supplement I., p. 319-324. 5. Lecture: Husserl on time (retention - presence - protention, absolute time consciousness)

Edmund Husserl, On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time, transl. by J. Brough, Kluwer, 1991, §§9-14, p. 27-39. 6. Lecture: Husserl's conception of the Lifeworld (the crisis of European sciences, life-world, hermeneutical problems of phenomenology)

Edmund Husserl, The Crisis of European Sciences, transl. by D. Carr, Northwestern University Press, 1970, §34, p. 123-135.
