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Readings in political philosophy

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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4.10. - introductory meeting, distribution of presentations plus Michael Walzer, Philosophy and Democracy 11.10. - no class (conference) 18.10. - Robert A. Dahl, Procedural Democracy 25.10. - Joshua Cohen, Democracy and Liberty 1.11. - J.

Rawls, Justice as Fairness 8.11. - R. Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia, chap.

Distributive Justice 15.11. - no class, everybody invited for the International Plato Symposium on the Philebus (vila Lanna) 22.11. - no class (conference) 29.11. - M. Sandel, The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self 6.12. - B.

Williams, The Idea of Equality 13.12. - T. Nagel, Equality 20.12. - A.

Sen, Equality of What

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The discussion seminar will be devoted to three concepts in modern political philosophy: democracy, justice and equality. For each class we will read one of the papers listed below and after a short presentation (focusing mainly on the problems and questions in the text) we will discuss and analyze the main themes from the text.

Michael Walzer, Philosophy and Democracy

Robert A. Dahl, Procedural Democracy

Joshua Cohen, Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy

J. Rawls, Justice as Fairness

R. Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia, chap. Distributive Justice

M. Sandel, The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self

B. Williams, The Idea of Equality

T. Nagel, Equality (in Mortal Questions)

A. Sen, Equality of What

All the texts will be available in pdf.