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Theofrastos, De sensibus

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Četba Theofrastova spisu De sensibus. Řecký text a anglický překlad je ke stažení zde:

Theophrastus, De sensu et sensibilibus, in Doxographi Graeci, ed. H. Diels, Berlin: Reimer, 1879, repr. De Gruyter, 1965, 497-527.

G.M. Stratton, Theophrastus and the Greek Physiological Psychology before Aristotle, London: Allen and Unwin/New York: Macmillan, 1917.

(žádné jiné edice či překlady jsem nenalezl, budu vděčný za doplnění, JJ.)

Sekundární literatura (výběr té alespoň trochu dosažitelné):

L. A. Bredlow, ‘Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Parmenides’ Theory of Cognition (B 16)’, Apeiron 44 (2011), 219-63.

W. Capelle, ‘Farbenzeichnungen bei Theophrast’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 101 (1958), 1-41.

K. Ierodiakonou, ‘Empedocles on colour and colour vision’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 29 (2005), 1-37.

A. Laks, ‘Soul, sensation and thought’, in A. A. Long, The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy, Cambridge 1999, 250-70.

- ‘The More and the Full: On the reconstruction of Parmenides’ theory of sensation in Theophrastus, De Sensibus, 3-4’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 8 (1990), 1-18.

J. Mansfeld, ‘Theophrastus and the Xenophanes doxography’, Mnemosyne 40 (1987), 286-312.

J. B. McDiarmid, ‘Theophrastus on the eternity of the world’, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 71 (1940), 239-47. _‘Theophrastus on the Presocratic causes’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 61 (1953), 85-156. _ ‘Plato in Theophrastus’ De sensibus’, Phronesis 4 (1959a), 59-70.

-‘Theophrastus’ De sensibus 66: Democritus’ explanation of salinity’, American Journal of Philology 80 (1959b), 56-66. _‘Theophrastus’ De sensibus 61-62: Democritus’ theory of weight’, Classical Philology 55 (1960), 28-30. _ ‘The manuscripts of Theophrastus’ De sensibus’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 44 (1962), 1-32.

D. Sedley, ‘Three notes on Theophrastus’ treatment of tastes and smells’, in W. W. Fortenbaugh, P. M. Huby and A. A. Long (eds.), Theophrastus of Eresus: On his Life and Work, New Brunswick 1985, 205-7.

R. W. Sharples, ‘Theophrastus on tastes and smells’, in W. W. Fortenbaugh, P. M. Huby and A. A. Long (eds.), Theophrastus of Eresus: On his Life and Work, New Brunswick 1985, 183-204.

R. Sorabji, ‘Aristotle on demarcating the five senses’, The Philosophical Review 80 (1971), 55-79.