Rozpis začátku prezentací1. EN X,1-2 1172a16-b352.
EN X,2 1172b35-1174a123. EN X,3 1174a13-b144.
EN X,4 1174b14-75a21
Seminární četba a interpretace desáté knihy Aristotelovy Etiky Nikomachovy. Znalost klasické řečtiny je vítána, ale není vyžadována.
Text (např. v):
Bywater, I. 1894 (a další reedice). Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea. Oxonii: e typographeo clarendoniano.
Rackham, H. 1990 [1926]. Aristotle The Nicomachean Ethics. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Voilquin, J. 1950. Éthique de Nicomaque. Greek text, translation, preface, and notes. Paris: Garnier frères.
Překlady (vybrané):
Broadie, S., and C. Rowe. 2002. Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics. Translation, introduction, and commentary. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dirlmeier, F. 1980 [1969]. Aristoteles. Nikomachische Ethik. Übersetzung und Nachwort von Franz Dirlmeier; Anmerkungen von Ernst A. Schmidt. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Dirlmeier, F. 1983. Aristoteles, Nikomachische Ethik. 2nd ed. Translated, with introduction and commentary. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Gigon, O. 2000. Aristoteles. Die Nikomachische Ethik. With revisions by R. Nickel. Dusseldorf: Artemis and Winkler.
Irwin, T. H. 1999. Nicomachean Ethics. 2nd ed. Translation with introduction and notes. Indianapolis: Hackett.
Natali, C. 1999. Aristotele. Etica nicomachea. Translation, introduction, and notes. Rome-Bari: Laterza.
Rackham, H. 1990 [1926]. Aristotle The Nicomachean Ethics. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Ross, W. D. 1998 [1915]. Aristotle: The Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford World’s Classics. Translated with an introduction. Revised by J. L. Ackrill and J. O. Urmson. New York: Oxford University Press. Also printed in The Complete Works of Aristotle, the revised Oxford translation. Ed. J. Barnes. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Tricot, J. 1959. Éthique à Nicomaque. Translation, introduction, notes, and index. Paris: J. Vrin.
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Dále např.:
RICHARDSON LEAR, Gabriel. Happy lives and the highest good: an essay on Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics". Princeton: Princeton University Press, c2004, 238 s. ISBN 0-691-12626-7.