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Feminism and Philosophy: An Introductory Sketch

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Všechny níže uvedené texty jsou zapsaným přístupné přímo v SISu (pořadí vložených PDF odpovídá postupu semináře). 6. 10. Vysvětlení cílů a náplně semináře.

Původ a „vlny" moderního feminismu: historie a/nebo struktura. Rozdělení referátů. 13. 10.

Marie-Olympe de Gouges (Marie Gouze), The Rights of Woman (orig. Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne, 1791)& Mary Wollstonecraft, Obhajoba ženských práv (1792), výběr v překladu Kateřiny Hilské, in Libora Oates-Indruchová (ed.), Dívčí válka s ideologií.

Klasické texty angloamerického feministického myšlení, Praha, SLON, 1998, 19-26& Ruth Abbey, "Are Women Human? Wollstonecraft's Defense of Rights for Women", in Eileen Hunt Botting (ed.), Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014, 229-245. 20. 10. John Stuart Mill, Poddanství žen, výběr v překladu Kateřiny Hilské, in Dívčí válka s ideologií, 27-37, plus pasáže doplněné z originálu, od strany 137 (od 2. odstavce) do strany 145 (ed.

Collini 1989)& Dorothy McBride Stetson, "Women's Rights and Human Rights: Intersection and Conflict", in Maria J. Falco (ed.), Feminist interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft, University Park, PA, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996, 165-177. 27. 10.

Simone de Beauvoir Druhé pohlaví, přel. Josef Kostyhryz a Hana Uhlířová, Praha, Orbis, 1966, „Úvod" & část kapitoly „Vdaná žena", od posledního odstavce na str. 258 do začátku str. 292. 3. 11.

Judith Butler, "Sex and Gender in Simone de Beauvoir", Yale French Studies 72, 1986, 35-49& Sara Heinämaa, What Is a Woman? Butler and Beauvoir on the Foundations of the Sexual Difference, Hypatia 12, 1997, 20-39& Ásta Sveinsdóttir, "The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender", in Charlotte Witt (ed.), Feminist Metaphysics. Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self, Dordrecht, Springer, 2011, 47-65. 10. 11.

Sherry B. Ortner, „Má se žena k muži jako příroda ke kultuře?", in Dívčí válka s ideologií, 89-114& Ortner, "So, is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?", in Ortner, Making Gender: The Politics and Erotics of Culture, Boston, Beacon Press, 1996, 173-180& Nancy Bauer, "Beauvoir on the Allure of Self-Objectification", in Charlotte Witt (ed.), Feminist Metaphysics, 117-129. 24. 11.

Mary Midgley, "On Not Being Afraid of Natural Sex Differences", in Morwenna Griffiths and Margaret Whitford (eds.), Feminist Perspectives in Philosophy, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1988, 29-41. 1. 12. Alison Stone, “Essentialism and Anti-Essentialism in Feminist Philosophy”, Journal of Moral Philosophy 1, 2004, 135-153. 8. 12.

Monique Deveaux, “Feminism and Empowerment: A Critical Reading of Foucault”, Feminist Studies 20, 1994, 223-247 15. 12. Marilyn Friedman, "Feminism in Ethics: Conceptions of Autonomy", in Miranda Fricker and Jennifer Hornsby (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, 205-224. 22. 12.

Elinor Mason, "Ideology, False Consciousness, and Adaptive Preferences", in Elinor Mason, Feminist Philosophy. An Introduction, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2022, 151-166. 5. 1.

Sabine Sielke, "Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been, Where Do We Return to, Repeatedly? The Seriality of Feminist Critique and Gender Studies", in Greta Olson et al. (eds), Beyond Gender. An Advanced Introduction to Futures of Feminist and Sexuality Studies, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2018, 79-99.& Lucy Nicholas, "Remembering Simone de Beauvoir's 'Ethics of Ambiguity' to Challenge Contemporary Divides.

Feminism beyond both Sex and Gender", Feminist Theory 22, 2021, 226-247.


The aim of the seminar is to revisit the basic texts of the first waves of feminism that are still little known in the Czech context. We will focus on the texts whose radical features are forgotten as they recede into the past and are replaced by new thematizations of often the same, albeit differently named, problems (the main example will be Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex).

Overall, we will inquire into how feminist approaches transform traditional philosophical themes, whether it is the polarity of nature and culture, the nature of power, the notion of autonomy, or the notion of false consciousness.