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Critical Thinking for Teachers

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1.     Organizace kurzu; co je kritické myšlení

2.     Aspekty kritického myšlení

3.     Argumentace I

4.     Argumentace II

5.     Argumentační fauly a kognitivní zkreslení

6.     Informace a konspirační teorie

7.     Kritické myšlení podle S. Brookfielda – práce s předpoklady a úhly pohledu

8.     Práce  textem

9.     -11. Studentské výstupy

12. Reflexe kurzu V případě potřeby může dojít ke změně témat či jejich pořadí.


The development of students' critical thinking is increasingly emphasized in educational documents, based on the competency-based main goals of education. According to the Strategy of the Education Policy of the Czech Republic until 2030, "skills such as critical thinking are an integral part of the key competences (...)" (p. 11). Critical thinking includes a set of dispositions and skills that are to some extent independent of a particular subject and can thus be developed in all subjects. However, this presupposes that 1) teachers know what critical thinking entails and 2) they themselves have acquired these dispositions and skills. This course aims to contribute to both of the above points.

The course is primarily intended for students in various fields of teacher education. It focuses on developing the critical thinking of the participants and therefore assumes their active participation in the seminars. The course is based on several different conceptions of critical thinking (see recommended readings), which we will apply to concrete examples and situations and then reflect on their possible use in high school education. We will address various aspects of critical and non-critical thinking, such as cognitive biases, argumentative fallacies, different types of information and their sources, but primarily we will focus on developing skills of good argumentation, text analysis, taking different perspectives, and uncovering and assessing one's own assumptions. The course is not primarily didactic in focus, but will be taught using didactically varied methods applicable to secondary school education.